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Research Trends in the Development of Block Copolymer-Based Biosensing Platforms

Author(s): Chung YH; Oh JK;

Biosensing technology, which aims to measure and control the signals of biological substances, has recently been developed rapidly due to increasing concerns about health and the environment. Top-down technologies have been used mainly with a focus on reducing the size of biomaterials to the nano-level. However, bottom-up technologies such as self-assembl ...

Article GUID: 39590001

Electric Field-Induced Nano-Assembly Formation: First Evidence of Silicon Superclusters with a Giant Permanent Dipole Moment

Author(s): Jardali F; Tran J; Liège F; Florea I; Leulmi ME; Vach H;

The outstanding properties of silicon nanoparticles have been extensively investigated during the last few decades. Experimental evidence and applications of their theoretically predicted permanent electric dipole moment, however, have only been reported for silicon nanoclusters (SiNCs) for a size of about one to two nanometers. Here, we have explored the ...

Article GUID: 37570492

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