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Comparative Evaluation of Artificial Neural Networks and Data Analysis in Predicting Liposome Size in a Periodic Disturbance Micromixer

Author(s): Ocampo I; López RR; Camacho-León S; Nerguizian V; Stiharu I;

Artificial neural networks (ANN) and data analysis (DA) are powerful tools for supporting decision-making. They are employed in diverse fields, and one of them is nanotechnology; for example, in predicting silver nanoparticles size. To our knowledge, we are the first to use ANN to predict liposome size (LZ). Liposomes are lipid nanoparticles used in diffe ...

Article GUID: 34683215

Numerical and Experimental Validation of Mixing Efficiency in Periodic Disturbance Mixers

Author(s): López RR; Sánchez LM; Alazzam A; Burnier JV; Stiharu I; Nerguizian V;

The shape and dimensions of a micromixer are key elements in the mixing process. Accurately quantifying the mixing efficiency enables the evaluation of the performance of a micromixer and the selection of the most suitable one for specific applications. In this paper, two methods are investigated to evaluate the mixing efficiency: a numerical model and an ...

Article GUID: 34577745

Surface Response Based Modeling of Liposome Characteristics in a Periodic Disturbance Mixer.

Author(s): López RR, Ocampo I, Sánchez LM, Alazzam A, Bergeron KF, Camacho-León S, Mounier C, Stiharu I, Nerguizian V

Micromachines (Basel). 2020 Feb 25;11(3): Authors: López RR, Ocampo I, Sánchez LM, Alazzam A, Bergeron KF, Camacho-León S, Mounier C, Stiharu I, Nerguizian V

Article GUID: 32106424

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