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The hockey fans in training intervention for men with overweight or obesity: a pragmatic cluster randomised trial

Author(s): Petrella RJ; Gill DP; Boa Sorte Silva NC; Riggin B; Blunt WM; Kfrerer M; Majoni M; Marsh J; Irwin JD; Stranges S; Zwarenstein M; Zou G;

Background: Obesity disproportionately impacts men's health yet fewer men engage in preventive healthcare. We examined the effectiveness of Hockey Fans in Training (Hockey FIT), a gender-sensitised lifestyle intervention that engages men with overweight/obesity through their passion as fans o ...

Article GUID: 39568632

Factors associated with change in moderate or severe symptoms of anxiety and depression in community-living adults and older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic

Author(s): Vasiliadis HM; Spagnolo J; Bartram M; Fleury MJ; Gouin JP; Grenier S; Roberge P; Shen-Tu G; Vena JE; Lamoureux-Lamarche C; Wang J;

Objectives: Few are the longitudinal studies on the changes in moderate or severe symptoms of anxiety or depression (MSS-ANXDEP) from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. The aim was to study the change in MSS-ANXDEP and associated sociodemographic, economic, psychosocial, health beh ...

Article GUID: 38117417

Kaempferol: A Dietary Flavonol in Alleviating Obesity

Author(s): Nejabati HR; Nikzad S; Roshangar L;

Obesity is considered as a chronic and high-prevalence disease on a global scale which affects all genders and ages. Although various drugs have been confirmed for the treatment of obesity, these medications have been shown to have a number of adverse effects on health. It is highlighted that natural products have an alleviative role in a broad spectrum o ...

Article GUID: 37537778

Natural history and determinants of dysglycemia in Canadian children with parental obesity from ages 8-10 to 15-17 years: The QUALITY cohort

Author(s): Soren Harnois-Leblanc

In children, the mechanisms implicated in deterioration of glucose homeostasis versus reversion to normal glucose tolerance (NGT) remain uncertain. We aimed to describe the natural history of dysglycemia from childhood to late adolescence and to identify its early determinants. We used baseline (8-10 years, n = 630), 1st follow-up (10-12 years, n = 564) a ...

Article GUID: 35023257

Promoting healthy lifestyle behaviours in youth: Findings from a novel intervention for children at risk of cardiovascular disease

Author(s): Ybarra M; Danieles PK; Barnett TA; Mathieu MÈ; Van Hulst A; Drouin O; Kakinami L; Bigras JL; Henderson M;

Objectives: Obesity is the most prevalent risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in children. We developed a 2-year lifestyle intervention for youth at risk of CVD. We assessed changes in body mass index z-scores (zBMI) and key cardiometabolic risk factors, physical fitness, and capacity am ...

Article GUID: 34992701

Determinants of attrition in a pediatric healthy lifestyle intervention: The CIRCUIT program experience

Author(s): Danieles PK; Ybarra M; Van Hulst A; Barnett TA; Mathieu MÈ; Kakinami L; Drouin O; Bigras JL; Henderson M;

Introduction: Attrition in pediatric weight management programs is notoriously high. Greater understanding of its determinants is needed to inform retention strategies. We identified determinants of attrition in CIRCUIT, a healthy lifestyle intervention program for youth at risk of cardiovascular ...

Article GUID: 33608233

Evaluating Public Health Interventions: A Neglected Area in Health Technology Assessment.

Author(s): Stojanovic J, Wübbeler M, Geis S, Reviriego E, Gutiérrez-Ibarluzea I, Lenoir-Wijnkoop I

Front Public Health. 2020;8:106 Authors: Stojanovic J, Wübbeler M, Geis S, Reviriego E, Gutiérrez-Ibarluzea I, Lenoir-Wijnkoop I

Article GUID: 32391300

Differences between chronological and brain age are related to education and self-reported physical activity.

Author(s): Steffener J, Habeck C, O'Shea D, Razlighi Q, Bherer L, Stern Y

Neurobiol Aging. 2016 Apr;40:138-144 Authors: Steffener J, Habeck C, O'Shea D, Razlighi Q, Bherer L, Stern Y

Article GUID: 26973113

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