Author(s): Yataco AP; Noor S; Girona MM; Work T; Despland E;
In managed boreal forests, both plantations and natural regeneration are used to re-establish a cohort of conifer trees following harvest or disturbance. Young trees in open plantations generally grow more rapidly than under forest canopies, but more rapid growth could be compromised by greater insect damage. We compared insect damage on white spruce (Pic ...
Article GUID: 38535391
Author(s): Antoine-Olivier Lirette
Changes during leaf ontogeny affect palatability to herbivores, such that many insects, including the eastern spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.)), are specialist feeders on growing conifer leaves and buds. Developmental constraints imply lower toughness in developing foliage, and optimal defense theory predicts higher investment in chemical ...
Article GUID: 34357304
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