Author(s): Bernos TA; Gibelli J; Michaelides S; Won H; Jeon HB; Marin K; Boguski DA; Janjua MY; Gallagher CP; Howland KL; Fraser DJ;
Intraspecific variation is important for species' long-term persistence in changing environments. Conservation strategies targeting intraspecific variation often rely on the identification of management or policy units below the species level based on biological differences among populations. ...
Article GUID: 39730611
Author(s): Beemelmanns A; Bouchard R; Michaelides S; Normandeau E; Jeon HB; Chamlian B; Babin C; Hénault P; Perrot O; Harris LN; Zhu X; Fraser D; Bernatchez L; Moore JS;
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panels are powerful tools for assessing the genetic population structure and dispersal of fishes and can enhance management practices for commercial, recreational and subsistence mixed-stock fisheries. Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus), Brook Trout (Salvelinus ...
Article GUID: 39552382
Author(s): Sharma G; Kaur B; Singh V; Raheja Y; Falco MD; Tsang A; Chadha BS;
Lignocellulolytic enzymes from a novel Myceliophthora verrucosa (5DR) strain was found to potentiate the efficacy of benchmark cellulase during saccharification of acid/alkali treated bagasse by ~ 2.24 fold, indicating it to be an important source of auxiliary enzymes. The De-novo sequencing and analysis of M. verrucosa genome (31.7 Mb) revealed to encode ...
Article GUID: 38676717
Author(s): Samlali K; Thornbury M; Venter A;
Direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing is cheaper and more accessible than ever before. What is generally hidden from the consumer is the intention to combine, reuse, and resell this genetic information as powerful datasets. This financial gain is creating a competitive DTC market, reducing the price of whole genome sequencing (WGS) down to USD 299. Ent ...
Article GUID: 35939839
Author(s): Brookes B; Jeon HB; Derry AM; Post JR; Rogers SM; Humphries S; Fraser DJ;
Understanding the drivers of successful species invasions is important for conserving native biodiversity and for mitigating the economic impacts of introduced species. However, whole-genome resolution investigations of the underlying contributions of neutral and adaptive genetic variation in successful introductions are rare. Increased propagule pressure ...
Article GUID: 35154655
Author(s): Demirci E; Arentshorst M; Yilmaz B; Swinkels A; Reid ID; Visser J; Tsang A; Ram AFJ;
Aspergillus niger is an important filamentous fungus in industrial biotechnology for the production of citric acid and enzymes. In the late 1980s, the A. niger N400/NRRL3 strain was selected for both fundamental and applied studies in relation to several processes including gluconic acid and protein production. To facilitate handling of A. niger, the N400 ...
Article GUID: 33959152
Author(s): Naik S, Tsang A, Ramanan US, Dayanandan S
Bacillus velezensis EB14, isolated from a leaf of Populus ? jackii, possesses antagonistic activity against Sphaerulina musiva, a fungal pathogen of Populus sp. that causes leaf spots and stem cankers on Poplars limiting the utility of hybrid poplars as plantation trees. We sequenced the genome of B. velezensis EB14 to gain insights into the underlying ba ...
Article GUID: 33263425
Author(s): Bastos RW, Valero C, Silva LP, Schoen T, Drott M, Brauer V, Silva-Rocha R, Lind A, Steenwyk JL, Rokas A, Rodrigues F, Resendiz-Sharpe A, Lagrou K, Marcet-Houben M, Gabaldón T, McDonnell E, Reid I, Tsang A, Oakley BR, Loures FV, Almeida F ...
mSphere. 2020 Apr 08;5(2): Authors: Bastos RW, Valero C, Silva LP, Schoen T, Drott M, Brauer V, Silva-Rocha R, Lind A, Steenwyk JL, Rokas A, Rodrigues F, Resendiz-Sharpe A, Lagrou K, Marcet-Houben M, Gabaldón T, McDonnell E, Reid I, Tsang A, Oakley BR, Loures FV, Almeida F, Huttenlocher A, ...
Article GUID: 32269156
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