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Verbal and nonverbal disagreement in an ELF academic discussion task

Author(s): Liu C; McDonough K; Trofimovich P; Uludag P;

Recent English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) studies have examined the linguistic features of disagreements during interactive academic tasks and casual conversations. Fewer studies, however, have explored nonverbal cues of disagreement, and even less is known about how interlocutors perceive disagreements. Therefore, using data from a corpus of ELF interactio ...

Article GUID: 38221977

Augmenting glutamatergic, but not dopaminergic, activity in the nucleus accumbens shell disrupts responding to a discrete alcohol cue in an alcohol context

Author(s): Valyear MD; Brown A; Deyab G; Villaruel FR; Lahlou S; Caporicci-Dinucci N; Chaudhri N;

Discrete alcohol cues and contexts are relapse triggers for people with alcohol use disorder exerting particularly powerful control over behaviour when they co-occur. Here, we investigated the neural substrates subserving the capacity for alcohol-associated contexts to elevate responding to an alcohol-predictive conditioned stimulus (CS). Specifically, ra ...

Article GUID: 38185906

Modulation of cue value and the augmentation of heroin seeking in chronically food-restricted male rats under withdrawal

Author(s): Firas Sedki

Food restriction augments drug seeking in abstinent rats. The underlying motivational mechanisms, however, remain unclear. We hypothesized that caloric restriction enhances the incentive value attributed to drug-associated cues and, in turn, augments drug seeking. Male rats were trained to lever-press for heroin, and then moved to the animal colony for a ...

Article GUID: 37714221

Do trauma cue exposure and/or PTSD symptom severity intensify selective approach bias toward cannabis cues in regular cannabis users with trauma histories?

Author(s): DeGrace S; Romero-Sanchiz P; Tibbo P; Barrett S; Arenella P; Cosman T; Atasoy P; Cousijn J; Wiers R; Keough MT; Yakovenko I; O' Connor R; Wardell J; Rudnick A; Nicholas Carleton R; Heber A; Stewart SH;

Trauma cue-elicited activation of automatic cannabis-related cognitive biases are theorized to contribute to comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and cannabis use disorder. This phenomenon can be studied experimentally by combining the trauma cue reactivity paradigm (CRP) with cannabis-related ...

Article GUID: 37625353

A new circuit underlying the renewal of appetitive Pavlovian responses: Commentary on Brown and Chaudhri (2022)

Author(s): Valyear MD; Britt JP;

No abstract available

Article GUID: 36700576

Learning processes in relapse to alcohol use: lessons from animal models

Author(s): Valyear MD; LeCocq MR; Brown A; Villaruel FR; Segal D; Chaudhri N;

Rationale: Alcohol use is reliably preceded by discrete and contextual stimuli which, through diverse learning processes, acquire the capacity to promote alcohol use and relapse to alcohol use. Objective: We review contemporary extinction, renewal, reinstatement, occasion setting, and sex differences research within a conditioning framework of relapse to ...

Article GUID: 36264342

Disturbance cues function as a background risk cue but not as an associative learning cue in tadpoles

Author(s): Rivera-Hernández IAE; Crane AL; Pollock MS; Ferrari MCO;

Chemical information has an important role in the sensory ecology of aquatic species. For aquatic prey, chemical cues are a vital source of information related to predator avoidance and risk assessment. For instance, alarm cues are released by prey that have been injured by predators. In addition to providing accurate information about current risk, repea ...

Article GUID: 35099624

The Role of Context Conditioning in the Reinstatement of Responding to an Alcohol-Predictive Conditioned Stimulus

Author(s): LeCocq MR; Sun S; Chaudhri N;

Re-exposure to an unconditioned stimulus (US) can reinstate extinguished conditioned responding elicited by a conditioned stimulus (CS). We tested the hypothesis that the reinstatement of responding to an appetitive CS is driven by an excitatory association formed between the US and the context that the US was ingested in during US re-exposure. Male, Long ...

Article GUID: 34852244

Exploratory decisions of Trinidadian guppies when uncertain about predation risk

Author(s): Crane AL; Demers EE; Feyten LEA; Ramnarine IW; Brown GE;

Animals can reduce their uncertainty of predation risk by gathering new information via exploration behaviour. However, a decision to explore may also be costly due to increased predator exposure. Here, we found contextual effects of predation risk on the exploratory activity of Trinidadian guppies Poecilia reticulata in a novel environment. First, guppie ...

Article GUID: 34741669

Exploring how product descriptors and packaging colors impact consumers' perceptions of plant-based meat alternative products

Author(s): Sucapane D; Roux C; Sobol K;

While consumers have been increasingly trying to reduce their meat consumption due to rising concerns about its impact on their health and the environment, many still find animal-based foods more attractive than plant-based foods, thus hindering their adoption. Could marketing cues such as product descriptors and packaging colors help make these products ...

Article GUID: 34242733

Early-life and parental predation risk shape fear acquisition in adult minnows.

Author(s): Crane AL, Meuthen D, Thapa H, Ferrari MCO, Brown GE

Exposure to predation risk can induce a fearful baseline state, as well as fear reactions toward novel situations (i.e., neophobia). Some research indicates that risk exposure during sensitive periods makes adults more prone to acquiring long-term fearful phenotypes. However, chronic risk can also lead to ignoring threats in order to maintain other activi ...

Article GUID: 33125574

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