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Estimation of Anthropogenic VOCs Emission Based on Volatile Chemical Products: A Canadian Perspective

Author(s): Asif Z; Chen Z; Haghighat F; Nasiri F; Dong J;

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in urban areas are of great interest due to their significant role in forming ground-level ozone and adverse public health effects. Emission inventories usually compile the outdoor VOCs emission sources (e.g., traffic and industrial emissions). However, considering emissions from volatile chemical products (e.g., solvents ...

Article GUID: 36416924

Associations of neighborhood walkability with moderate to vigorous physical activity: an application of compositional data analysis comparing compositional and non-compositional approaches

Author(s): Bird M; Datta GD; Chinerman D; Kakinami L; Mathieu ME; Henderson M; Barnett TA;

Background: We compared the relation between neighborhood features and moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) using linear regression analysis and the more novel compositional data analysis (CoDA). Compositional data analysis allows us to take the time children allocate to different movement behaviours during a 24-hour time period into account. Me ...

Article GUID: 35585542

Validation of desk-based audits using Google Street View® to monitor the obesogenic potential of neighbourhoods in a pediatric sample: a pilot study in the QUALITY cohort

Author(s): Roberge JB; Contreras G; Kakinami L; Van Hulst A; Henderson M; Barnett TA;

Background: The suitability of geospatial services for auditing neighbourhood features relevant to pediatric obesity remains largely unexplored. Our objectives were to (i) establish the measurement properties of a desk-based audit instrument that uses Google Street View ® to assess street- and neighbourhood-level features relevant to pediatric obesity (QU ...

Article GUID: 35346220

The contribution of dry indoor built environment on the spread of Coronavirus: Data from various Indian states.

Author(s): V AAR, R V, Haghighat F

Coronavirus spread is more serious in urban metropolitan cities compared to rural areas. It is observed from the data on the infection rate available in the various sources that the cold and dry conditions accelerate the spread of coronavirus. In the present work, the existing theory of respiratory droplet drying is used to propose the mechanism of virus ...

Article GUID: 32834934

Neighbourhoods and obesity: A prospective study of characteristics of the built environment and their association with adiposity outcomes in children in Montreal, Canada

Author(s): Ghenadenik AE; Kakinami L; Van Hulst A; Henderson M; Barnett TA;

This paper examined prospective associations between built environment features assessed at baseline using direct audits and adiposity outcomes two years later in Montreal, Canada. Data stem from the Quebec Adipose and Lifestyle Investigation in Youth study of 630 children aged 8-10 years with a parental history of obesity. Baseline measurements took plac ...

Article GUID: 29462654

Prospective Associations Between Play Environments and Pediatric Obesity.

Author(s): Fitzpatrick C, Alexander S, Henderson M, Barnett TA

Am J Health Promot. 2019 May;33(4):541-548 Authors: Fitzpatrick C, Alexander S, Henderson M, Barnett TA

Article GUID: 30354254

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