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A guide to exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) and bifactor-ESEM in body image research

Author(s): Swami V; Maïano C; Morin AJS;

Traditionally, assessments of factor validity of body image instruments have relied on exploratory or confirmatory factor analysis. However, the emergence of exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), a resurgence of interest in bifactor models, and the ability to combine both models (bifactor-ESEM) is beginning to shape the future of body image res ...

Article GUID: 39492241

The Intuitive Eating Scale-3: Development and psychometric evaluation

Author(s): Tylka TL; Maïano C; Fuller-Tyszkiewicz M; Linardon J; Burnette CB; Todd J; Swami V;

Intuitive eating has been found to protect against disordered eating and preserve well-being. Yet, there are methodological (length), conceptual (inconsideration of medical, value-based, and access-related reasons for food consumption), and psychometric (item wording) concerns with its most common measure, the Intuitive Eating Scale-2 (IES-2). To address ...

Article GUID: 38729580

A longitudinal person-centered investigation of the multidimensional nature of employees' perceptions of challenge and hindrance demands at work

Author(s): Gillet N; Morin AJS; Fernet C; Austin S; Huyghebaert-Zouaghi T;

Background and objectives: This research relies on a combination of variable- and person-centered approaches to help improve our understanding of the dimensionality of job demands by jointly considering employees' global levels of job demands, exposure and their specific levels of exposure to challenge and hindrance demands. Design and methods: We re ...

Article GUID: 38425154

Development of the Japanese Version of the State Self-Compassion Scale (SSCS-J)

Author(s): Miyagawa Y; Tóth-Király I; Knox MC; Taniguchi J; Niiya Y;

Research in the U.S. developed and validated the State Self-Compassion Scale (SSCS), which measures self-compassionate reactions toward a specific negative event. The current study is aimed at developing the Japanese version of the State Self-Compassion Scale (SSCS-J) and extending previous findings in the U.S. by showing measurement invariance across sex ...

Article GUID: 35095662

Complementary variable- and person-centered approaches to the dimensionality of burnout among fire station workers

Author(s): Sandrin E; Morin AJS; Fernet C; Gillet N;

This research relies on variable- and person-centered approaches to illustrate how each of these approaches may help to improve our understanding of the dimensionality of the burnout construct. Both studies (Study 1: N = 247 administrative and technical employees; Study 2: N = 654 firefighters), showed that employees' burnout ratings simultaneously re ...

Article GUID: 34314264

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