Author(s): Bedford O; Noly-Gandon A; Ara A; Wiesman AI; Albouy P; Baillet S; Penhune V; Zatorre RJ;
Perception and production of music and speech rely on auditory-motor coupling, a mechanism which has been linked to temporally precise oscillatory coupling between auditory and motor regions of the human brain, particularly in the beta frequency band. Recently, brain imaging studies using magnetoencephalography (MEG) have also shown that accurate auditory ...
Article GUID: 39757971
Author(s): Segado M; Zatorre RJ; Penhune VB;
Many everyday tasks share high-level sensory goals but differ in the movements used to accomplish them. One example of this is musical pitch regulation, where the same notes can be produced using the vocal system or a musical instrument controlled by the hands. Cello playing has previously been shown to rely on brain structures within the singing network ...
Article GUID: 33989814
Author(s): Segado M, Hollinger A, Thibodeau J, Penhune V, Zatorre RJ
Front Neurosci. 2018;12:351 Authors: Segado M, Hollinger A, Thibodeau J, Penhune V, Zatorre RJ
Article GUID: 29892211
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