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Methodological approach to sleep state misperception in insomnia disorder: Comparison between multiple nights of actigraphy recordings and a single night of polysomnography recording

Author(s): Maltezos A; Perrault AA; Walsh NA; Phillips EM; Gong K; Tarelli L; Smith D; Cross NE; Pomares FB; Gouin JP; Dang-Vu TT;

Study objective: To provide a comprehensive assessment of sleep state misperception in insomnia disorder (INS) and good sleepers (GS) by comparing recordings performed for one night in-lab (PSG and night review) and during several nights at-home (actigraphy and sleep diaries). Methods: Fifty-sev ...

Article GUID: 38325157

The effects of napping on night-time sleep in healthy young adults

Author(s): Melodee Mograss

The discrepancies in the effects of napping on sleep quality may be due to differences in methodologies, napping behaviours, and daytime activity levels across studies. We determined whether napping behaviours and daytime activity levels are associated with night-time sleep fragmentation and sleep quality in young adults. A total of 62 healthy adults (mea ...

Article GUID: 35253300

The effects of evening high-intensity exercise on sleep in healthy adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Author(s): Frimpong E; Mograss M; Zvionow T; Dang-Vu TT;

Moderate-intensity exercise is generally recommended for improving sleep, whereas, high-intensity exercise (HIE) prior to bedtime is often discouraged. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to determine if acute or regular (chronic) HIE performed before bedtime disrupts nighttime sleep of healthy adult, good sleepers compared with a no-exerci ...

Article GUID: 34416428

Inactograms and objective sleep measures as means to capture subjective sleep problems in patients with a bipolar disorder.

Author(s): Lavin-Gonzalez P, Bourguignon C, Crescenzi O, Beaulieu S, Storch KF, Linnaranta O

Bipolar Disord. 2020 Mar 30;: Authors: Lavin-Gonzalez P, Bourguignon C, Crescenzi O, Beaulieu S, Storch KF, Linnaranta O

Article GUID: 32232937

Late and Instable Sleep Phasing is Associated With Irregular Eating Patterns in Eating Disorders.

Author(s): Linnaranta O, Bourguignon C, Crescenzi O, Sibthorpe D, Buyukkurt A, Steiger H, Storch KF

Ann Behav Med. 2020 Mar 25;: Authors: Linnaranta O, Bourguignon C, Crescenzi O, Sibthorpe D, Buyukkurt A, Steiger H, Storch KF

Article GUID: 32211873

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