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Developmental heterogeneity of school burnout across the transition from upper secondary school to higher education: A 9-year follow-up study

Author(s): Nadon L; Morin AJS; Gilbert W; Olivier E; Salmela-Aro K;

This study utilized piecewise linear growth mixture analysis to examine the developmental heterogeneity of school burnout among a sample of 513 (67.6% females) Finnish students as they transitioned from upper secondary school to higher education (ages 17-25 years). Encompassing five measurement points (two before the transition and three after), our resul ...

Article GUID: 39645324

Active Child, Accomplished Youth: Middle Childhood Active Leisure Fuels Academic Success by Emerging Adulthood

Author(s): Kosak LA; Harandian K; Bacon SL; Fitzpatrick C; Correale L; Pagani LS;

ackground/Objectives: Physical activity is an important protective factor throughout life. However, little research has observed the associations between the practice of physical activity and academic success longitudinally, and none have done so with a pan-Canadian sample. This article aims to examine the prospective associations between active leisure i ...

Article GUID: 39334672

Achievement Goals as Mediators of the Links Between Self-Esteem and Depressive Symptoms From Mid-Adolescence to Early Adulthood

Author(s): Gilbert W; Eltanoukhi R; Morin AJS; Salmela-Aro K;

Numerous studies have sought to determine whether low self-esteem acts as a risk factor for depressive symptoms (i.e., a vulnerability model) or whether depressive symptoms lead to a decrease in self-esteem (i.e., a scar model). Although both models have received some support, very little research has: (a) addressed this question across critical life tran ...

Article GUID: 38963580

Introducing the Basic Psychological Needs Frustration in Second Language Scale (BPNF-L2): Examining its factor structure and effect on L2 motivation and achievement

Author(s): Alamer A; Morin AJS; Alrabai F; Alharfi A;

Research on the satisfaction of the basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness is well-established in second language (L2) research. However, little is known about the frustration of these basic psychological needs and how they can undermine intrinsic motivation and L2 achievement. Importantly, there is no valid scale of the frust ...

Article GUID: 37696146

A longitudinal person-centered representation of elementary students' motivation: Do perceptions of parent and teacher achievement goals matter?

Author(s): Nadon L; Morin AJS; Olivier E; Archambault I; Smodis McCune V; Tóth-Király I;

This study utilized a longitudinal person-centered approach to investigate how children's achievement goals combine with the goals held for them by their parents and teachers to form unique achievement goal profiles among a sample of 619 elementary school students (Mage = 9.782; 52.5% female; 79.2% first- and second-generation immigrants) from low SES ...

Article GUID: 37689436

A Multilevel Person-Centered Examination of Teachers' Workplace Experiences: Replication and Extension With Links to Instructional Support and Achievement

Author(s): Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Morin AJS; Malmberg LE; Sammons P;

In a replication and extension of an earlier study, we relied on person-centered analyses to identify teacher (Level 1) and school (Level 2) profiles based on teachers' experiences of job demands (barriers to professional development, disruptive student behavior), job resources (teacher collaboration, input in decision-making), and personal resources ...

Article GUID: 34421763

Understanding behavioural engagement and achievement: The roles of teaching practices and student sense of competence and task value.

Author(s): Olivier E, Galand B, Hospel V, Dellisse S

Br J Educ Psychol. 2020 Jan 30;: Authors: Olivier E, Galand B, Hospel V, Dellisse S

Article GUID: 31999841

Adolescent media use and its association to wellbeing in a Canadian national sample.

Author(s): Fitzpatrick C, Burkhalter R, Asbridge M

Prev Med Rep. 2019 Jun;14:100867 Authors: Fitzpatrick C, Burkhalter R, Asbridge M

Article GUID: 31024788

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