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Geospatial analysis reveals a hotspot of fecal bacteria in Canadian prairie lakes linked to agricultural non-point sources

Author(s): Oliva A; Onana VE; Garner RE; Kraemer SA; Fradette M; Walsh DA; Huot Y;

Lakes are sentinels of environmental changes within their watersheds including those induced by a changing climate and anthropogenic activities. In particular, contamination originating from point or non-point sources (NPS) within watersheds might be reflected in changes in the bacterial composition of lake water. We assessed the abundance of potentially ...

Article GUID: 36653256

The occurrence of potentially pathogenic fungi and protists in Canadian lakes predicted using geomatics, in situ and satellite-derived variables: Towards a tele-epidemiological approach

Author(s): Oliva A; Garner RE; Walsh D; Huot Y;

Eukaryotic pathogens including fungi and enteroparasites infect humans, animals and plants. As integrators of landscape catchment, lakes can reflect and record biological and geochemical events or anthropogenic changes and provide useful knowledge to formulate public health, food security and water policies to manage and prevent diseases. In this context, ...

Article GUID: 34915335

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