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Challenges and Approaches in the Study of Neural Entrainment

Author(s): Duecker K; Doelling KB; Breska A; Coffey EBJ; Sivarao DV; Zoefel B;

When exposed to rhythmic stimulation, the human brain displays rhythmic activity across sensory modalities and regions. Given the ubiquity of this phenomenon, how sensory rhythms are transformed into neural rhythms remains surprisingly inconclusive. An influential model posits that endogenous oscillations entrain to external rhythms, thereby encoding envi ...

Article GUID: 39358026

The impact of lesion side on bilateral upper limb coordination after stroke

Author(s): Shih PC; Steele CJ; Hoepfel D; Muffel T; Villringer A; Sehm B;

Background: A stroke frequently results in impaired performance of activities of daily life. Many of these are highly dependent on effective coordination between the two arms. In the context of bimanual movements, cyclic rhythmical bilateral arm coordination patterns can be classified into two fundamental modes: in-phase (bilateral homologous muscles cont ...

Article GUID: 38093308

White matter correlates of sensorimotor synchronization in persistent developmental stuttering

Author(s): Jossinger S; Sares A; Zislis A; Sury D; Gracco V; Ben-Shachar M;

Introduction: Individuals with persistent developmental stuttering display deficits in aligning motor actions to external cues (i.e., sensorimotor synchronization). Diffusion imaging studies point to stuttering-associated differences in dorsal, not ventral, white matter pathways, and in the cerebellar peduncles. Here, we studied microstructural white matt ...

Article GUID: 34856426

Data-driven beamforming technique to attenuate ballistocardiogram artefacts in electroencephalography-functional magnetic resonance imaging without detecting cardiac pulses in electrocardiography recordings

Author(s): Uji M; Cross N; Pomares FB; Perrault AA; Jegou A; Nguyen A; Aydin U; Lina JM; Dang-Vu TT; Grova C;

Simultaneous recording of electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a very promising non-invasive neuroimaging technique. However, EEG data obtained from the simultaneous EEG-fMRI are strongly influenced by MRI-related artefacts, namely gradient artefacts (G ...

Article GUID: 34101939

Alpha and beta neural oscillations differentially reflect age-related differences in bilateral coordination

Author(s): Shih PC; Steele CJ; Nikulin VV; Gundlach C; Kruse J; Villringer A; Sehm B;

Bilateral in-phase (IP) and anti-phase (AP) movements represent two fundamental modes of bilateral coordination that are essential for daily living. Although previous studies have shown that aging is behaviorally associated with decline in bilateral coordination, especially in AP movements, the underlying neural mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we use kin ...

Article GUID: 33979705

Rhythm and Melody Tasks for School-Aged Children With and Without Musical Training: Age-Equivalent Scores and Reliability

Author(s): Ireland K; Parker A; Foster N; Penhune V;

Measuring musical abilities in childhood can be challenging. When music training and maturation occur simultaneously, it is difficult to separate the effects of specific experience from age-based changes in cognitive and motor abilities. The goal of this study was to develop age-equivalent scores for two measures of musical ability that could be reliably ...

Article GUID: 29674984

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