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Resilience, Stress, and Mental Health Among University Students: A Test of the Resilience Portfolio Model

Author(s): Fang S; Barker E; Arasaratnam G; Lane V; Rabinovich D; Panaccio A; O' Connor RM; Nguyen CT; Doucerain MM;

In recent years, post-secondary students' mental health has become an important public health concern. However, studies examining protective factors of mental health among students and during challenging times are limited. Guided by the strength-based Resilience Portfolio Model and following ...

Article GUID: 39641152

Local residents' attitudes toward and contact with international students: a perspective from Montreal, Quebec

Author(s): Tekin O; Trofimovich P;

As migrants holding temporary, foreign-resident status in their host communities, international students often experience prejudice and have little meaningful contact with locals. To date, a comprehensive account of international students' experience is lacking, and existing conceptualizations exclude linguistic threat as a potential source of increas ...

Article GUID: 39606194

The effectiveness and acceptability of formal versus informal mindfulness among university students with and without recent self-injury: A randomized controlled trial

Author(s): Petrovic J; Mettler J; Böke BN; Rogers MA; Hamza CA; Bloom E; Di Genova L; Romano V; Heath NL;

Mindfulness instruction comprising both formal (FM) and informal (IM) mindfulness practice is increasingly offered to university students. FM involves sustaining attention on thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations through structured practices, while IM involves incorporating mindfulness into da ...

Article GUID: 39489621

Masters students' satisfaction with academic supervision and experiences of mental and emotional distress and wellbeing

Author(s): Nadine S Bekkouche

bjective: This paper presents a nuanced exploration of the relationship between graduate supervision and students' wellbeing. Methods: This study is a two-part mixed-methods survey study. Part 1 is a quantitative examination of the impact of satisfaction on different measures of mental and emotional distress (stress, depressive feelings, burnout) and ...

Article GUID: 38848331

What Comes First, Acculturation or Adjustment? A Longitudinal Investigation of Integration Versus Mental Resources Hypotheses

Author(s): Doucerain MM; Amiot CE; Jurcik T; Ryder AG;

A focal point in the acculturation literature is the so-called "integration hypothesis," whereby integration (high mainstream cultural engagement and heritage cultural maintenance) is associated with higher psychosocial adjustment, compared to other strategies. Yet, the vast majority of this literature is cross-sectional, raising questions about how best ...

Article GUID: 38031873

Disrupted Lessons in Engineering Robotics: Pivoting Knowledge Transfer From Physical to Virtual Learning Environments

Author(s): Chichekian T; Trudeau J; Jawhar T;

This study examined the effects of an Arduino microrobot activity on college students' interest in robotics through three specific objectives: (1) determining how students' conceptual understanding regarding the basics of microcomputing and computer programming changes after engaging in an engineering robotics learning module, (2) assessing the im ...

Article GUID: 35702710

Extreme Situation Experienced by Dental Students of the Medical University of Silesia Due to the SARS-CoV-2 Epidemic during the First Lockdown

Author(s): Doniec R; Wójcik S; Valverde R; Piaseczna N; Siecinski S; Duraj K; Tkacz E;

The pandemic declared in many countries in 2020 due to COVID-19 led to the freezing of economies and the introduction of distance learning in both schools and universities. This unusual situation has affected the mental state of citizens, which has the potential to lead to the development of post-traumatic stress and depression. This study aimed to assess ...

Article GUID: 34828557

Attachment style and changes in systemic inflammation following migration to a new country among international students.

Author(s): Gouin JP, MacNeil S

Attach Hum Dev. 2019 Feb;21(1):38-56 Authors: Gouin JP, MacNeil S

Article GUID: 30406717

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