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Geospatial analysis reveals a hotspot of fecal bacteria in Canadian prairie lakes linked to agricultural non-point sources

Author(s): Oliva A; Onana VE; Garner RE; Kraemer SA; Fradette M; Walsh DA; Huot Y;

Lakes are sentinels of environmental changes within their watersheds including those induced by a changing climate and anthropogenic activities. In particular, contamination originating from point or non-point sources (NPS) within watersheds might be reflected in changes in the bacterial composition of lake water. We assessed the abundance of potentially ...

Article GUID: 36653256

Genome Sequence Resource of Bacillus velezensis EB14, a native endophytic bacterial strain with biocontrol potential against the poplar stem canker causative pathogen, Sphaerulina musiva.

Author(s): Naik S, Tsang A, Ramanan US, Dayanandan S

Bacillus velezensis EB14, isolated from a leaf of Populus ? jackii, possesses antagonistic activity against Sphaerulina musiva, a fungal pathogen of Populus sp. that causes leaf spots and stem cankers on Poplars limiting the utility of hybrid poplars as plantation trees. We sequenced the genome of B. velezensis EB14 to gain insights into the underlying ba ...

Article GUID: 33263425

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