Author(s): Gheflati B; Mirzaei M; Rottoo S; Rivaz H;
Purpose: Statistical shape models (SSMs) are widely used for morphological assessment of anatomical structures. However, a key limitation is the need for a clear relationship between the model's shape coefficients and clinically relevant anatomical parameters. To address this limitation, this paper proposes a novel deep learning-based anatomically par ...
Article GUID: 39953355
Author(s): Yusefi H; Helfield B;
Clinical ultrasound contrast agent microbubbles remain intravascular and are between 1-8 µm in diameter, with a volume-weighted mean size of 2-3 µm. Despite their worldwide clinical utility as a diagnostic contrast agent, and their continued and ongoing success as a local therapeutic vector, the fundamental interplay between microbubbles - including bubbl ...
Article GUID: 39705920
Author(s): Easlick T; Sun W;
We propose a unified stochastic SIR model driven by Lévy noise. The model is structural enough to allow for time-dependency, nonlinearity, discontinuity, demography, and environmental disturbances. We present concise results on the existence and uniqueness of positive global solutions and investigate the extinction and persistence of the novel model. Exam ...
Article GUID: 39027117
Author(s): Yusefi H; Helfield B;
Phospholipid encapsulated ultrasound contrast agents have proven to be a powerful addition in diagnostic imaging and show emerging applications in targeted therapy due to their resonant and nonlinear scattering. Microbubble response is affected by their intrinsic (e.g. bubble size, encapsulation physics) and extrinsic (e.g. boundaries) factors. One of the ...
Article GUID: 38217906
Author(s): Moezi SA; Sedaghati R; Rakheja S;
In recent years, magnetoactive soft continuum robots (MSCRs) with multimodal locomotion capabilities have emerged for various biomedical applications. Developments in nonlinear dynamic models and effective control methods for MSCRs are deemed vital not only to gain a better understanding of their coupled magneto-mechanical behavior but also to accurately ...
Article GUID: 37932207
Author(s): Kaheman K; Fasel U; Bramburger JJ; Strom B; Kutz JN; Brunton SL;
The single, double, and triple pendulum has served as an illustrative experimental benchmark system for scientists to study dynamical behavior for more than four centuries. The pendulum system exhibits a wide range of interesting behaviors, from simple harmonic motion in the single pendulum to chaotic dynamics in multi-arm pendulums. Under forcing, even t ...
Article GUID: 37637793
Author(s): Yusefi H; Helfield B;
Ultrasound-driven microbubbles, typically between 1 and 8 µm in diameter, are resonant scatterers that are employed as diagnostic contrast agents and emerging as potentiators of targeted therapies. Microbubbles are administered in populations whereby their radial dynamics - key to their effectiveness - are greatly affected by intrinsic (e.g. bubble size) ...
Article GUID: 36223708
Author(s): Uthamacumaran A
Cancers are complex, adaptive ecosystems. They remain the leading cause of disease-related death among children in North America. As we approach computational oncology and Deep Learning Healthcare, our mathematical models of cancer dynamics must be revised. Recent findings support the perspective that cancer-microenvironment interactions may consist of ch ...
Article GUID: 33142240
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