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Cross-modal plasticity in children with cochlear implant: converging evidence from EEG and functional near-infrared spectroscopy

Author(s): Deroche MLD; Wolfe J; Neumann S; Manning J; Hanna L; Towler W; Wilson C; Bien AG; Miller S; Schafer E; Gemignani J; Alemi R; Muthuraman M; Koirala N; Gracco VL;

Over the first years of life, the brain undergoes substantial organization in response to environmental stimulation. In a silent world, it may promote vision by (i) recruiting resources from the auditory cortex and (ii) making the visual cortex more efficient. It is unclear when such changes occu ...

Article GUID: 38846536

Olfaction and reaction: The role of olfactory and hypothalamic investment in the antipredator responses to chemical alarm cues by northern redbelly dace

Author(s): Joyce BJ; Brown GE;

Neuroplasticity enables teleosts to promote or downregulate the growth of their brains regionally. To compensate for the effects of predation pressure, teleosts may alter their brain morphology and behavioral responses to mitigate its impact on individual fitness. High-predation environments often promote specific patterns of brain growth and produce bold ...

Article GUID: 37876646

The descending motor tracts are different in dancers and musicians.

Author(s): Giacosa C, Karpati FJ, Foster NEV, Hyde KL, Penhune VB

Brain Struct Funct. 2019 Oct 16;: Authors: Giacosa C, Karpati FJ, Foster NEV, Hyde KL, Penhune VB

Article GUID: 31620887

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