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The Intuitive Eating Scale-3: Development and psychometric evaluation

Author(s): Tylka TL; Maïano C; Fuller-Tyszkiewicz M; Linardon J; Burnette CB; Todd J; Swami V;

Intuitive eating has been found to protect against disordered eating and preserve well-being. Yet, there are methodological (length), conceptual (inconsideration of medical, value-based, and access-related reasons for food consumption), and psychometric (item wording) concerns with its most common measure, the Intuitive Eating Scale-2 (IES-2). To address ...

Article GUID: 38729580

Intuitive eating and its association with psychosocial health in adults: A cross-sectional study in a representative Canadian sample

Author(s): Gödde JU; Yuan TY; Kakinami L; Cohen TR;

Intuitive eating has been proposed as a weight-inclusive, effective, and sustainable approach to eating that benefits psychosocial health compared to traditional restrictive dieting. This cross-sectional study examined the associations of intuitive eating with psychosocial health indicators and demographic characteristics in a representative Canadian samp ...

Article GUID: 34740711

Intuitive eating in light of other eating styles and motives: Experiences with construct validity and the Hungarian adaptation of the Intuitive Eating Scale-2

Author(s): Román N; Rigó A; Gajdos P; Tóth-Király I; Urbán R;

Intuitive eating (IE), an adaptive eating approach, has been identified as a plausible positive determinant of physical and mental well-being. This cross-sectional survey study aimed to examine the construct validity of IE measured by the Intuitive Eating Scale-2 (IES-2). The conceptual network of different adaptive and maladaptive eating behaviors was al ...

Article GUID: 34171578

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