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Call to action: equity, diversity, and inclusion in emergency medicine resident physician selection

Author(s): Primavesi R; Patocka C; Burcheri A; Coutin A; Elhalwi AM; Ali A; Pandya A; Gagné A; Johnston B; Thoma B; LeBlanc C; Fovet F; Gallinger J; Mohadeb J; Ragheb M; Dong S; Smith S; Oyedokun T; Newmarch T; Knight V; McColl T;

Objectives: This call to action seeks to improve emergency care in Canada for equity-deserving communities, enabled by equitable representation among emergency physicians nationally. Specifically, this work describes current resident selection processes and makes recommendations to enhance the eq ...

Article GUID: 37368231

Preschoolers' anthropomorphizing of robots: Do human-like properties matter?

Author(s): Goldman EJ; Baumann AE; Poulin-Dubois D;

Prior work has yielded contradicting evidence regarding the age at which children consistently and correctly categorize things as living or non-living. The present study tested children's animacy judgments about robots with a Naïve Biology task. In the Naïve Biology task, 3- and 5-year-olds were asked if robots, animals, or artifacts possessed mechani ...

Article GUID: 36814889

Efficacy of a minimally guided internet treatment for alcohol misuse and emotional problems in young adults: Results of a randomized controlled trial

Author(s): Frohlich JR; Rapinda KK; Schaub MP; Wenger A; Baumgartner C; Johnson EA; O' Connor RM; Vincent N; Blankers M; Ebert DD; Hadjistavropoulos HD; Mackenzie CS; Wardell JD; Augsburger M; Goldberg JO; Keough MT;

Many young adults struggle with comorbid alcohol misuse and emotional problems (i.e., depression and anxiety). However, there is currently a paucity of evidence-based, integrated, accessible treatment options for individuals with these comorbidities. The main goal of this study was to examine eff ...

Article GUID: 34938848

A carbon footprint study of the Canadian medical residency interview tour

Author(s): Liang KE; Dawson JQ; Stoian MD; Clark DG; Wynes S; Donner SD;

Background: Each spring, thousands of Canadian medical students travel across the country to interview for residency positions, a process known as the CaRMS tour. Despite the large scale of travel, the CaRMS tour has received little environmental scrutiny. Purpose: To estimate the national carbon footprint of flights associated with the CaRMS tour, as we ...

Article GUID: 34227912

Depression prevalence based on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale compared to Structured Clinical Interview for DSM DIsorders classification: Systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis

Author(s): Lyubenova A; Neupane D; Levis B; Wu Y; Sun Y; He C; Krishnan A; Bhandari PM; Negeri Z; Imran M; Rice DB; Azar M; Chiovitti MJ; Saadat N; Riehm KE; Boruff JT; Ioannidis JPA; Cuijpers P; Gilbody S; Kloda LA; Patten SB; Shrier I; Ziegelstei ...

Objectives: Estimates of depression prevalence in pregnancy and postpartum are based on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) more than on any other method. We aimed to determine if any EPDS cutoff can accurately and consistently estimate depression prevalence in individual studies. Me ...

Article GUID: 33089942

Probability of Major Depression Classification Based on the SCID, CIDI, and MINI Diagnostic Interviews: A Synthesis of Three Individual Participant Data Meta-Analyses

Author(s): Wu Y; Levis B; Ioannidis JPA; Benedetti A; Thombs BD;

Introduction: Three previous individual participant data meta-analyses (IPDMAs) reported that, compared to the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM (SCID), alternative reference standards, primarily the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), tended to misclassify major depress ...

Article GUID: 32814337

Probability of major depression diagnostic classification based on the SCID, CIDI and MINI diagnostic interviews controlling for Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale - Depression subscale scores: An individual participant data meta-analysis of 73 primary studies

Author(s): Wu Y; Levis B; Sun Y; Krishnan A; He C; Riehm KE; Rice DB; Azar M; Yan XW; Neupane D; Bhandari PM; Imran M; Chiovitti MJ; Saadat N; Boruff JT; Cuijpers P; Gilbody S; McMillan D; Ioannidis JPA; Kloda LA; Patten SB; Shrier I; Ziegelstein R ...

Objective: Two previous individual participant data meta-analyses (IPDMAs) found that different diagnostic interviews classify different proportions of people as having major depression overall or by symptom levels. We compared the odds of major depression classification across diagnostic intervi ...

Article GUID: 31911325

Comparison of major depression diagnostic classification probability using the SCID, CIDI, and MINI diagnostic interviews among women in pregnancy or postpartum: An individual participant data meta-analysis

Author(s): Levis B; McMillan D; Sun Y; He C; Rice DB; Krishnan A; Wu Y; Azar M; Sanchez TA; Chiovitti MJ; Bhandari PM; Neupane D; Saadat N; Riehm KE; Imran M; Boruff JT; Cuijpers P; Gilbody S; Ioannidis JPA; Kloda LA; Patten SB; Shrier I; Ziegelste ...

Objectives: A previous individual participant data meta-analysis (IPDMA) identified differences in major depression classification rates between different diagnostic interviews, controlling for depressive symptoms on the basis of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. We aimed to determine whether s ...

Article GUID: 31568624

Maternal Knowing and Social Networks: Understanding First-Time Mothers' Search for Information and Support Through Online and Offline Social Networks.

Author(s): Price SL, Aston M, Monaghan J, Sim M, Tomblin Murphy G, Etowa J, Pickles M, Hunter A, Little V

Qual Health Res. 2018 08;28(10):1552-1563 Authors: Price SL, Aston M, Monaghan J, Sim M, Tomblin Murphy G, Etowa J, Pickles M, Hunter A, Little V

Article GUID: 29281945

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