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Specificity of Affective Responses in Misophonia Depends on Trigger Identification

Author(s): Savard MA; Sares AG; Coffey EBJ; Deroche MLD;

Individuals with misophonia, a disorder involving extreme sound sensitivity, report significant anger, disgust, and anxiety in response to select but usually common sounds. While estimates of prevalence within certain populations such as college students have approached 20%, it is currently unknown what percentage of people experience misophonic responses ...

Article GUID: 35692416

Understanding the Needs of Primary School Teachers in Supporting Their Students' Emotion Regulation

Author(s): Petrovic J; Mettler J; Argento A; Carsley D; Bloom E; Sullivan S; Heath NL;

Background: Accumulating evidence has underscored the importance of fostering children's emotion regulation (ER) within primary school settings and the role of teachers in such efforts. This study sought to assess the needs of teachers in supporting students' ER, through a better understanding of teachers' perceptions and use of healthy versus ...

Article GUID: 35578767

Implicit theories of emotion and mental health during adolescence: the mediating role of emotion regulation.

Author(s): De France K, Hollenstein T

Despite strong evidence of the influence of implicit theories of emotion (ITE) on mental health symptoms among adult samples, scant attention has been paid to this important relation during adolescence. Moreover, it remains unclear which proximal processes may help to explain the link between ITE and mental health. As such, the current study had two objec ...

Article GUID: 32893732

MAP: A Personalized Receptive Music Therapy Intervention to Improve the Affective Well-being of Youths Hospitalized in a Mental Health Unit.

Author(s): Archambault K, Vaugon K, DeumiƩ V, Brault M, Perez RM, Peyrin J, Vaillancourt G, Garel P

J Music Ther. 2019 Nov 19;56(4):381-402 Authors: Archambault K, Vaugon K, Deumié V, Brault M, Perez RM, Peyrin J, Vaillancourt G, Garel P

Article GUID: 31742643

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