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Developmental heterogeneity of school burnout across the transition from upper secondary school to higher education: A 9-year follow-up study

Author(s): Nadon L; Morin AJS; Gilbert W; Olivier E; Salmela-Aro K;

This study utilized piecewise linear growth mixture analysis to examine the developmental heterogeneity of school burnout among a sample of 513 (67.6% females) Finnish students as they transitioned from upper secondary school to higher education (ages 17-25 years). Encompassing five measurement points (two before the transition and three after), our resul ...

Article GUID: 39645324

Masters students' satisfaction with academic supervision and experiences of mental and emotional distress and wellbeing

Author(s): Nadine S Bekkouche

bjective: This paper presents a nuanced exploration of the relationship between graduate supervision and students' wellbeing. Methods: This study is a two-part mixed-methods survey study. Part 1 is a quantitative examination of the impact of satisfaction on different measures of mental and emotional distress (stress, depressive feelings, burnout) and ...

Article GUID: 38848331

A Multilevel Person-Centered Perspective on the Role of Job Demands and Resources for Employees' Job Engagement and Burnout Profiles

Author(s): Gillet N; Morin AJS; Blais AR;

The present study examined the configurations, or profiles, taken by distinct global and specific facets of job engagement and burnout (by relying on a bifactor operationalization of these constructs) among a nationally representative sample of Canadian Defence employees (n = 13,088; nested within 65 work units). The present study also adopted a multileve ...

Article GUID: 38698872

The burnout-depression conundrum: investigating construct-relevant multidimensionality across four countries and four patient samples

Author(s): Leon T De Beer

This research seeks to contribute to the ongoing discussion about the distinctive nature of burnout and depression. In a first study, we relied on employee samples from four European countries (N = 5199; 51.27% women; M(age) = 43.14). In a second study, we relied on a large sample of patients (N = 5791; 53.70% women; M(age) = 39.54) who received a diagnos ...

Article GUID: 38400520

Should Burnout Be Conceptualized as a Mental Disorder?

Author(s): Nadon L; De Beer LT; Morin AJS;

Burnout is generally acknowledged by researchers, clinicians, and the public as a pervasive occupational difficulty. Despite this widespread recognition, longstanding debates remain within the scientific community regarding its definition and the appropriateness of classifying burnout as its own pathological entity. The current review seeks to address whe ...

Article GUID: 35323401

Complementary variable- and person-centered approaches to the dimensionality of burnout among fire station workers

Author(s): Sandrin E; Morin AJS; Fernet C; Gillet N;

This research relies on variable- and person-centered approaches to illustrate how each of these approaches may help to improve our understanding of the dimensionality of the burnout construct. Both studies (Study 1: N = 247 administrative and technical employees; Study 2: N = 654 firefighters), showed that employees' burnout ratings simultaneously re ...

Article GUID: 34314264

On the Value of Considering Specific Facets of Interactional Justice Perceptions.

Author(s): Fouquereau E, Morin AJS, Huyghebaert T, Chevalier S, Coillot H, Gillet N

Front Psychol. 2020;11:812 Authors: Fouquereau E, Morin AJS, Huyghebaert T, Chevalier S, Coillot H, Gillet N

Article GUID: 32477210

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