Author(s): Corran C; Norman P; O' Connor RM;
Studies have shown that those high in anxiety were at increased risk for alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tension reduction theory points to anxiety sensitivity (AS) as a potential risk factor. Drinking to cope may further increase this risk. During the pandemic, those high in AS may have experienced increased stress and drank to cope, which may ...
Article GUID: 39761074
Author(s): Rigó A; Tóth-Király I; Magi A; Eisinger A; Demetrovics Z; Urbán R;
The present study was aimed at obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of the possible mediating factors in the morningness-eveningness ? alcohol consumption relation. We explored the role of mediators such as sensation seeking, the frequency of going out in the evenings, and drinking motives. We tested the proposed mediation model via structural equ ...
Article GUID: 37722395
Author(s): Dora J; Piccirillo M; Foster KT; Arbeau K; Armeli S; Auriacombe M; Bartholow B; Beltz AM; Blumenstock SM; Bold K; Bonar EE; Braitman A; Carpenter RW; Creswell KG; De Hart T; Dvorak RD; Emery N; Enkema M; Fairbairn C; Fairlie AM; Ferguson ...
Influential psychological theories hypothesize that people consume alcohol in response to the experience of both negative and positive emotions. Despite two decades of daily diary and ecological momentary assessment research, it remains unclear whether people consume more alcohol on days they exp ...
Article GUID: 37560174
Author(s): Corran C; Khan M; Gallant S; Shalev U; O' Connor RM;
The association between restrained eating and alcohol use remains poorly understood among undergraduates. Consistent with tension reduction theory, individuals with disordered eating may be motivated to drink alcohol to cope with negative emotionality. Perhaps what pushes them to drink despite restriction goals is impulsivity. The combined impact of drink ...
Article GUID: 35471931
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