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MuscleMap: An Open-Source, Community-Supported Consortium for Whole-Body Quantitative MRI of Muscle

Author(s): McKay MJ; Weber KA; Wesselink EO; Smith ZA; Abbott R; Anderson DB; Ashton-James CE; Atyeo J; Beach AJ; Burns J; Clarke S; Collins NJ; Coppieters MW; Cornwall J; Crawford RJ; De Martino E; Dunn AG; Eyles JP; Feng HJ; Fortin M; Franettovic ...

Disorders affecting the neurological and musculoskeletal systems represent international health priorities. A significant impediment to progress in trials of new therapies is the absence of responsive, objective, and valid outcome measures sensitive to early disease changes. A key finding in indi ...

Article GUID: 39590726

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