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Vaccine mistrust among Black individuals in Canada: The major role of health literacy, conspiracy theories, and racial discrimination in the healthcare system

Author(s): Cénat JM; Moshirian Farahi SMM; Bakombo SM; Dalexis RD; Pongou R; Caulley L; Yaya S; Etowa J; Venkatesh V;

The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affected Black communities in Canada in terms of infection and mortality rates compared to the general population. Despite these facts, Black communities are among those with the highest level of COVID-19 vaccine mistrust (COVID-19 VM). We collected novel ...

Article GUID: 37185858

The unsanitary other and racism during the pandemic: analysis of purity discourses on social media in India, France and United States of America during the COVID-19 pandemic

Author(s): Desmarais C; Roy M; Nguyen MT; Venkatesh V; Rousseau C;

The global rise of populism and concomitant polarizations across disenfranchised and marginalized groups has been magnified by so-called echo chambers, and a major public health crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic has only served to fuel these intergroup tensions. Media institutions disseminating information on ways to prevent the propagation of the virus h ...

Article GUID: 36861381

A Systematic Review on Vaccine Hesitancy in Black Communities in Canada: Critical Issues and Research Failures

Author(s): Cénat JM; Noorishad PG; Bakombo SM; Onesi O; Mesbahi A; Darius WP; Caulley L; Yaya S; Chomienne MH; Etowa J; Venkatesh V; Dalexis RD; Pongou R; Labelle PR;

Black communities have been disproportionately impacted by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Canada, in terms of both number of infections and mortality rates. Yet, according to early studies, vaccine hesitancy appears to be higher in Black communities. The purpose of this systematic review ...

Article GUID: 36423032

The programming curriculum within ISIS

Author(s): Deslandes-Martineau M; Charland P; Lapierre HG; Arvisais O; Chamsine C; Venkatesh V; Guidère M;

From 2014 to 2017, the Islamic State in Irak and Syria (ISIS), a terrorist political organization of Salafist jihadist ideology, had put in place an operational and relatively stable educational system. Among its Complementary Programs, ISIS included a curriculum for programming using the Scratch ...

Article GUID: 35427366

COVID-19 Experiences and Social Distancing: Insights From the Theory of Planned Behavior

Author(s): Frounfelker RL; Santavicca T; Li ZY; Miconi D; Venkatesh V; Rousseau C;

Purpose: The objective of this study is to identify the relationship between COVID-19 experiences, perceived COVID-19 behavioral control, social norms and attitudes, and future intention to follow social distancing guidelines. Design: This is a cross-sectional study. Setting: Participants responded to an on-line survey in June 2020. Subjects: The study ...

Article GUID: 34074154

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