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Local residents' attitudes toward and contact with international students: a perspective from Montreal, Quebec

Author(s): Tekin O; Trofimovich P;

As migrants holding temporary, foreign-resident status in their host communities, international students often experience prejudice and have little meaningful contact with locals. To date, a comprehensive account of international students' experience is lacking, and existing conceptualizations exclude linguistic threat as a potential source of increas ...

Article GUID: 39606194

Verbal and nonverbal disagreement in an ELF academic discussion task

Author(s): Liu C; McDonough K; Trofimovich P; Uludag P;

Recent English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) studies have examined the linguistic features of disagreements during interactive academic tasks and casual conversations. Fewer studies, however, have explored nonverbal cues of disagreement, and even less is known about how interlocutors perceive disagreements. Therefore, using data from a corpus of ELF interactio ...

Article GUID: 38221977

Integration of visual context in early and late bilingual language processing: evidence from eye-tracking

Author(s): Abashidze D; Schmidt A; Trofimovich P; Mercier J;

Previous research on the processing of language embedded in a rich visual context has revealed the strong effect that a recently viewed action event has on language comprehension. It has been shown that listeners are more likely to view the target object of a recently performed event than look at the target object of a plausible future event during senten ...

Article GUID: 37179896

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