Author(s): Jeon HB; Song HY; Suk HY; Bang IC;
Background: Freshwater endemism is thought to have been formed through the vicariance of connected water systems or the process by which ancestral populations colonized specific areas. The Korean Peninsula is well recognized for its high level of freshwater endemism with about 40% of freshwater fish species being endemic. Objective: In this study, we att ...
Article GUID: 35438462
Author(s): Won H; Jeon HB; Kim DY; Suk HY;
Given the fact that threatened species are often composed of isolated small populations, spatial continuity or demography of the populations may be major factors that have shaped the species' genetic diversity. Thus, neutral loci have been the most commonly-used markers in conservation genetics. However, the populations under the influence of differen ...
Article GUID: 34354168
Author(s): Park JM, Jeon HB, Suk HY, Cho SJ, Han KH
Dev Reprod. 2020 Mar;24(1):63-70 Authors: Park JM, Jeon HB, Suk HY, Cho SJ, Han KH
Article GUID: 32411919
Author(s): Won H; Jeon HB; Suk HY;
The modern-day distribution of freshwater fishes throughout multiple rivers is likely the result of past migration during times when currently separate drainages were once connected. Here, we used mitochondrial and microsatellite analyses for 248 individuals of Rhodeus notatus collected from seven different rivers to obtain better understand historical ge ...
Article GUID: 31974505
Author(s): Jeon HB, Won H, Suk HY
BMC Genet. 2019 Sep 13;20(1):74 Authors: Jeon HB, Won H, Suk HY
Article GUID: 31519169
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