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MuscleMap: An Open-Source, Community-Supported Consortium for Whole-Body Quantitative MRI of Muscle

Author(s): McKay MJ; Weber KA; Wesselink EO; Smith ZA; Abbott R; Anderson DB; Ashton-James CE; Atyeo J; Beach AJ; Burns J; Clarke S; Collins NJ; Coppieters MW; Cornwall J; Crawford RJ; De Martino E; Dunn AG; Eyles JP; Feng HJ; Fortin M; Franettovic ...

Disorders affecting the neurological and musculoskeletal systems represent international health priorities. A significant impediment to progress in trials of new therapies is the absence of responsive, objective, and valid outcome measures sensitive to early disease changes. A key finding in indi ...

Article GUID: 39590726

Concept Inventory Development Reveals Common Student Misconceptions about Microbiology.

Author(s): Briggs AG, Hughes LE, Brennan RE, Buchner J, Horak REA, Amburn DSK, McDonald AH, Primm TP, Smith AC, Stevens AM, Yung SB, Paustian TD

Concept Inventory Development Reveals Common Student Misconceptions about Microbiology.

J Microbiol Biol Educ. 2017;18(3):

Authors: Briggs AG, Hughes LE, Brennan RE, Buchner J, Horak REA, Amburn DSK, McDonald AH, Primm TP, Smith AC, Stevens AM, Yung SB, Paustian TD

A ...

Article GUID: 29854046

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