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"It would Never have Happened Without the Pandemic": Understanding the Lived Experience of Individuals who Increased Their Online Gambling Participation

Author(s): Savard AC; Kairouz S; Nadeau-Tremblay J; Brodeur M; Ferland F; French M; Morvannou A; Blanchette-Martin N; Dufour M; VanMourik V; Monson E;

The gambling landscape was profoundly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to an increase in online gambling participation. This growth raises concerns about the potential harms associated with online gambling. This qualitative study aims to understand the lived experiences of gamblers whos ...

Article GUID: 39115755

Gamblers' Perceptions of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Their Gambling Behaviours: Analysis of Free-Text Responses Collected through a Cross-Sectional Online Survey

Author(s): Renard M; Audette-Chapdelaine S; Savard AC; Kairouz S; Brodeur M;

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought drastic changes to the lives of a substantial portion of the world's population. Many stakeholders have expressed concern about the impact of the pandemic on gambling practices, which have historically increased during times of crisis. The purpose of this study was to provide a snapshot of the impact of the pandemic o ...

Article GUID: 36554483

Gambling and the COVID-19 pandemic in the province of Quebec (Canada): protocol for a mixed-methods study

Author(s): Brodeur M; Audette-Chapdelaine S; Savard AC; Kairouz S;

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has major collateral impacts on mental health. Gambling is among the major public health issues that seems to have been transformed by the pandemic. In the province of Quebec in Canada, gambling is an important leisure activity. About two out of three adults are in Quebec gamble. The objective of this study is to draw a ...

Article GUID: 34518259

Do the Consequences Experienced by the People in the Life of a Problem Gambler Differ Based on the Nature of Their Relationship with the Gambler?

Author(s): Ferland F; Blanchette-Martin N; Côté M; Tremblay J; Kairouz S; Nadeau L; Savard AC; L' Espérance N; Dufour M;

Consequences experienced by the partners of individuals with a gambling disorder are well documented. However, little is known about the deleterious effects experienced by other people than partners of gamblers. A better understanding of these consequences could help improve clinical practices. T ...

Article GUID: 34286413

"It did not apply to me": poker players' perspectives of prevention messages.

Author(s): Morvannou A, Monson E, Savard AC, Kairouz S, Roy É, Dufour M

Can J Public Health. 2020 Jan 13;: Authors: Morvannou A, Monson E, Savard AC, Kairouz S, Roy É, Dufour M

Article GUID: 31933237

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