Author(s): Nikolic M; Cox SML; Jaworska N; Castellanos-Ryan N; Dagher A; Vitaro F; Brendgen M; Parent S; Boivin M; Côté S; Tremblay RE; Séguin JR; Leyton M;
Background: Adolescent alcohol use is the norm, but only some develop a substance use disorder. The increased risk might reflect heightened mesocorticolimbic responses to reward-related cues but results published to date have been inconsistent. Methods: Young social drinkers (age 18.5 ± 0.6 y.o. ...
Article GUID: 39725679
Author(s): Dionne A; Al-Zakri M; Labelle H; Joncas J; Parent S; Mac-Thiong JM; Miyanji F; Lonner B; Eren A; Cahill P; Parent S; Newton P; Dermott JA; Jaakkimainen L; To T; Bouchard M; Howard A; Lebel DE; Hardy S; Malhotra AK; Dermott J; Thevarajah D; Mathias KDA; Yoon S; Sakhrekar R; Lebel DE; Kim DJ; Hadi ...
No abstract available
Article GUID: 39537311
Author(s): Cox SML, Tippler M, Jaworska N, Smart K, Castellanos-Ryan N, Durand F, Allard D, Benkelfat C, Parent S, Dagher A, Vitaro F, Boivin M, Pihl RO, Côté S, Tremblay RE, Séguin JR, Leyton M
Neuropsychopharmacology. 2020 May 15;: Authors: Cox SML, Tippler M, Jaworska N, Smart K, Castellanos-Ryan N, Durand F, Allard D, Benkelfat C, Parent S, Dagher A, Vitaro F, Boivin M, Pihl RO, Côté S, Tremblay RE, Séguin JR, Leyton M
Article GUID: 32413893
Author(s): Jaworska N, Cox SML, Tippler M, Castellanos-Ryan N, Benkelfat C, Parent S, Dagher A, Vitaro F, Boivin M, Pihl RO, Côté SM, Tremblay RE, Séguin JR, Leyton M
Neuropsychopharmacology. 2020 Apr 07;: Authors: Jaworska N, Cox SML, Tippler M, Castellanos-Ryan N, Benkelfat C, Parent S, Dagher A, Vitaro F, Boivin M, Pihl RO, Côté SM, Tremblay RE, Séguin JR, Leyton M
Article GUID: 32259831
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