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Infants' Social Evaluation of Helpers and Hinderers: A Large-Scale, Multi-Lab, Coordinated Replication Study

Author(s): Lucca K; Yuen F; Wang Y; Alessandroni N; Allison O; Alvarez M; Axelsson EL; Baumer J; Baumgartner HA; Bertels J; Bhavsar M; Byers-Heinlein K; Capelier-Mourguy A; Chijiiwa H; Chin CS; Christner N; Cirelli LK; Corbit J; Daum MM; Doan T; Dr ...

Evaluating whether someone's behavior is praiseworthy or blameworthy is a fundamental human trait. A seminal study by Hamlin and colleagues in 2007 suggested that the ability to form social evaluations based on third-party interactions emerges within the first year of life: infants preferred ...

Article GUID: 39600132

Prediction of depressive symptoms in young adults by polygenic score and childhood maltreatment: Results from a population-based birth cohort

Author(s): Scardera S; Geoffroy MC; Langevin R; Perret LC; Collin-Vézina D; Voronin I; Gouin JP; Meng X; Boivin M; Ouellet-Morin I;

Childhood maltreatment is linked with later depressive symptoms, but not every maltreated child will experience symptoms later in life. Therefore, we investigate whether genetic predisposition for depression (i.e., polygenic score for depression, PGSDEP) modifies the association between maltreatm ...

Article GUID: 39465601

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