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Global assessment of effective population sizes: Consistent taxonomic differences in meeting the 50/500 rule

Author(s): Clarke SH; Lawrence ER; Matte JM; Gallagher BK; Salisbury SJ; Michaelides SN; Koumrouyan R; Ruzzante DE; Grant JWA; Fraser DJ;

Effective population size (Ne) is a particularly useful metric for conservation as it affects genetic drift, inbreeding and adaptive potential within populations. Current guidelines recommend a minimum Ne of 50 and 500 to avoid short-term inbreeding and to preserve long-term adaptive potential re ...

Article GUID: 38613250

Population variation in density-dependent growth, mortality and their trade-off in a stream fish.

Author(s): Matte JM, Fraser DJ, Grant JWA

J Anim Ecol. 2019 Oct 23;: Authors: Matte JM, Fraser DJ, Grant JWA

Article GUID: 31642512

Conservation through the lens of (mal)adaptation: Concepts and meta-analysis.

Author(s): Derry AM, Fraser DJ, Brady SP, Astorg L, Lawrence ER, Martin GK, Matte JM, Negrín Dastis JO, Paccard A, Barrett RDH, Chapman LJ, Lane JE, Ballas CG, Close M, Crispo E

Evol Appl. 2019 Aug;12(7):1287-1304 Authors: Derry AM, Fraser DJ, Brady SP, Astorg L, Lawrence ER, Martin GK, Matte JM, Negrín Dastis JO, Paccard A, Barrett RDH, Chapman LJ, Lane JE, Ballas CG, Close M, Crispo E

Article GUID: 31417615

Geo-referenced population-specific microsatellite data across American continents, the MacroPopGen Database.

Author(s): Lawrence ER, Benavente JN, Matte JM, Marin K, Wells ZRR, Bernos TA, Krasteva N, Habrich A, Nessel GA, Koumrouyan RA, Fraser DJ

Sci Data. 2019 04 03;6(1):14 Authors: Lawrence ER, Benavente JN, Matte JM, Marin K, Wells ZRR, Bernos TA, Krasteva N, Habrich A, Nessel GA, Koumrouyan RA, Fraser DJ

Article GUID: 30944329

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