Author(s): Gostolupce D; Lay BPP; Maes EJP; Iordanova MD;
Associative learning is often considered to require the physical presence of stimuli in the environment in order for them to be linked. This, however, is not a necessary condition for learning. Indeed, associative relationships can form between events that are never directly paired. That is, associative learning can occur by integrating information across ...
Article GUID: 35517574
Author(s): Maes EJP, Sharpe MJ, Usypchuk AA, Lozzi M, Chang CY, Gardner MPH, Schoenbaum G, Iordanova MD
Nat Neurosci. 2020 Jan 20;: Authors: Maes EJP, Sharpe MJ, Usypchuk AA, Lozzi M, Chang CY, Gardner MPH, Schoenbaum G, Iordanova MD
Article GUID: 31959935
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