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Age of obesity onset affects subcutaneous adipose tissue cellularity differently in the abdominal and femoral region

Author(s): Murphy J; Dera A; Morais JA; Tsoukas MA; Khor N; Sazonova T; Almeida LG; Cooke AB; Daskalopoulou SS; Tam BT; Santosa S;

Objective: We aimed to examine the effect of age of obesity onset, sex, and their interaction on abdominal and femoral subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) morphology (degree of adipocyte hyperplasia or hypertrophy). Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we isolated adipocytes via collagenase dig ...

Article GUID: 39045668

Association between rs174537 FADS1 polymorphism and immune cell profiles in abdominal and femoral subcutaneous adipose tissue: an exploratory study in adults with obesity

Author(s): Wang C; Murphy J; Delaney KZ; Khor N; Morais JA; Tsoukas MA; Lowry DE; Mutch DM; Santosa S;

Fatty acid desaturase 1 (FADS1) polymorphisms alter fatty acid content in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT); however, existing evidence is limited and conflicting regarding the association between FADS1 variants and SAT inflammatory status. To advance this area, we conducted an exploratory study ...

Article GUID: 33595419

Sex Affects Regional Variations in Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue T Cells but not Macrophages in Adults with Obesity

Author(s): Murphy J; Delaney KZ; Dam V; Tam BT; Khor N; Tsoukas MA; Morais JA; Santosa S;

Objective: The inflammatory environment in lower-body subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) has been largely unexplored. This study aimed to examine the effects of region (upper body vs. lower body) and sex on SAT immune cell profiles in young adults with obesity. Methods: Abdominal (AB) and femoral (FEM) SAT was collected from 12 males (mean [SEM] age = 30. ...

Article GUID: 33179451

Acetyl-CoA regulation, OXPHOS integrity and leptin level are different in females with different onsets of obesity.

Author(s): Tam BT, Murphy J, Khor N, Morais JA, Santosa S

Although childhood-onset obesity (CO) and adult-onset obesity (AO) are known to lead to distinctive clinical manifestations and disease risks, the fundamental differences between them are largely unclear. The aim of the current study is to investigate the fundamental differences between subcutaneous adipose tissue from CO and AO and identify metabolic dif ...

Article GUID: 32808657

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