Author(s): Nikolic M; Cox SML; Jaworska N; Castellanos-Ryan N; Dagher A; Vitaro F; Brendgen M; Parent S; Boivin M; Côté S; Tremblay RE; Séguin JR; Leyton M;
Background: Adolescent alcohol use is the norm, but only some develop a substance use disorder. The increased risk might reflect heightened mesocorticolimbic responses to reward-related cues but results published to date have been inconsistent. Methods: Young social drinkers (age 18.5 ± 0.6 y.o. ...
Article GUID: 39725679
Author(s): D' Amour-Horvat V; Cox SML; Dagher A; Kolivakis T; Jaworska N; Leyton M;
Stimulant drug-paired cues can acquire the ability to activate mesocorticolimbic pathways and lead to new bouts of drug use. Studies in laboratory animals suggest that these effects are augmented by progressively greater drug use histories, impulsive personality traits, and acute drug ingestion. As a preliminary test of these hypotheses in humans, we expo ...
Article GUID: 34463411
Author(s): Cox SML, Tippler M, Jaworska N, Smart K, Castellanos-Ryan N, Durand F, Allard D, Benkelfat C, Parent S, Dagher A, Vitaro F, Boivin M, Pihl RO, Côté S, Tremblay RE, Séguin JR, Leyton M
Neuropsychopharmacology. 2020 May 15;: Authors: Cox SML, Tippler M, Jaworska N, Smart K, Castellanos-Ryan N, Durand F, Allard D, Benkelfat C, Parent S, Dagher A, Vitaro F, Boivin M, Pihl RO, Côté S, Tremblay RE, Séguin JR, Leyton M
Article GUID: 32413893
Author(s): Jaworska N, Cox SML, Tippler M, Castellanos-Ryan N, Benkelfat C, Parent S, Dagher A, Vitaro F, Boivin M, Pihl RO, Côté SM, Tremblay RE, Séguin JR, Leyton M
Neuropsychopharmacology. 2020 Apr 07;: Authors: Jaworska N, Cox SML, Tippler M, Castellanos-Ryan N, Benkelfat C, Parent S, Dagher A, Vitaro F, Boivin M, Pihl RO, Côté SM, Tremblay RE, Séguin JR, Leyton M
Article GUID: 32259831
Author(s): Jaworska N, Wang H, Smith DM, Blier P, Knott V, Protzner AB
Neuroimage Clin. 2018;17:368-377 Authors: Jaworska N, Wang H, Smith DM, Blier P, Knott V, Protzner AB
Article GUID: 29159049
Author(s): Hadjis E, Hyde M, Choueiry J, Jaworska N, Nelson R, de la Salle S, Smith D, Aidelbaum R, Knott V
Hum Psychopharmacol. 2019 Jan;34(1):e2684 Authors: Hadjis E, Hyde M, Choueiry J, Jaworska N, Nelson R, de la Salle S, Smith D, Aidelbaum R, Knott V
Article GUID: 30488987
Author(s): Smart K, Cox SML, Kostikov A, Shalai A, Scala SG, Tippler M, Jaworska N, Boivin M, Séguin JR, Benkelfat C, Leyton M
Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2019 May;46(5):1175-1178 Authors: Smart K, Cox SML, Kostikov A, Shalai A, Scala SG, Tippler M, Jaworska N, Boivin M, Séguin JR, Benkelfat C, Leyton M
Article GUID: 30607444
Author(s): Smart K, Cox SML, Scala SG, Tippler M, Jaworska N, Boivin M, Séguin JR, Benkelfat C, Leyton M
Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2019 May;46(5):1179-1183 Authors: Smart K, Cox SML, Scala SG, Tippler M, Jaworska N, Boivin M, Séguin JR, Benkelfat C, Leyton M
Article GUID: 30627817
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