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Functional expression of opioid receptors and other human GPCRs in yeast engineered to produce human sterols

Author(s): Bean BDM; Mulvihill CJ; Garge RK; Boutz DR; Rousseau O; Floyd BM; Cheney W; Gardner EC; Ellington AD; Marcotte EM; Gollihar JD; Whiteway M; Martin VJJ;

The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is powerful for studying human G protein-coupled receptors as they can be coupled to its mating pathway. However, some receptors, including the mu opioid receptor, are non-functional, which may be due to the presence of the fungal sterol ergosterol instead of ch ...

Article GUID: 35610225

Pulmonary Rehabilitation does not Improve Objective Measures of Sleep Quality in People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Author(s): Cox NS, Pepin V, Burge AT, Hill CJ, Lee AL, Bondarenko J, Moore R, Nicolson C, Lahham A, Parwanta Z, McDonald CF, Holland AE

COPD. 2019 Feb;16(1):25-29 Authors: Cox NS, Pepin V, Burge AT, Hill CJ, Lee AL, Bondarenko J, Moore R, Nicolson C, Lahham A, Parwanta Z, McDonald CF, Holland AE

Article GUID: 30884984

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