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Comparing microscopy and DNA metabarcoding techniques for identifying cyanobacteria assemblages across hundreds of lakes

Author(s): MacKeigan PW; Garner RE; Monchamp MÈ; Walsh DA; Onana VE; Kraemer SA; Pick FR; Beisner BE; Agbeti MD; da Costa NB; Shapiro BJ; Gregory-Eaves I;

Accurately identifying the species present in an ecosystem is vital to lake managers and successful bioassessment programs. This is particularly important when monitoring cyanobacteria, as numerous taxa produce toxins and can have major negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems. Increasingly, DNA-ba ...

Article GUID: 35287928

Sediment Metagenomes as Time Capsules of Lake Microbiomes.

Author(s): Garner RE; Gregory-Eaves I; Walsh DA;

The reconstruction of ecological time series from lake sediment archives can retrace the environmental impact of human activities. Molecular genetic approaches in paleolimnology have provided unprecedented access to DNA time series, which record evidence of the microbial ecologies that underlaid historical lake ecosystems. Such studies often rely on singl ...

Article GUID: 33148818

The NSERC Canadian Lake Pulse Network: A national assessment of lake health providing science for water management in a changing climate.

Author(s): Huot Y, Brown CA, Potvin G, Antoniades D, Baulch HM, Beisner BE, Bélanger S, Brazeau S, Cabana H, Cardille JA, Del Giorgio PA, Gregory-Eaves I, Fortin MJ, Lang AS, Laurion I, Maranger R, Prairie YT, Rusak JA, Segura PA, Siron R, Smol JP, ...

Sci Total Environ. 2019 Aug 04;695:133668 Authors: Huot Y, Brown CA, Potvin G, Antoniades D, Baulch HM, Beisner BE, Bélanger S, Brazeau S, Cabana H, Cardille JA, Del Giorgio PA, Gregory-Eaves I, Fortin MJ, Lang AS, Laurion I, Maranger R, Prairie YT, Rusak JA, Segura PA, Siron R, Smol JP, Vi ...

Article GUID: 31419692

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