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Impact of a national dementia research consortium: The Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA)

Author(s): Chertkow H; Phillips N; Rockwood K; Anderson N; Andrew MK; Bartha R; Beaudoin C; BĂ©langer N; Bellec P; Belleville S; Bergman H; Best S; Bethell J; Bherer L; Black S; Borrie M; Camicioli R; Carrier J; Cashman N; Chan S; Crowshoe L; Cuello ...

The Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) was created by the Canadian federal government through its health research funding agency, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), in 2014, as a response to the G7 initiative to fight dementia. Two five-year funding cycles ( ...

Article GUID: 39636028

Insomnia symptom subtypes and manifestations of prodromal neurodegeneration: a population-based study in the CLSA

Author(s): Yao CW; Pelletier A; Fereshtehnejad SM; Cross N; Dang-Vu T; Postuma RB;

Study objectives: To identify the association between insomnia symptoms and signs of prodromal neurodegeneration, including an analysis of potential differences between sleep-onset and sleep-maintenance insomnia. Methods: We included those aged 45-85 years, living in one of 10 Canadian provinces in between 2012-2015 (at the baseline), recruited via three ...

Article GUID: 34314348

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