Author(s): Ball GDC; O' Neill MG; Noor R; Alberga A; Azar R; Buchholz A; Enright M; Geller J; Ho J; Holt NL; Lebel T; Rosychuk RJ; Tarride JE; Zenlea I;
Background: Pediatric obesity management can be successful, but some families discontinue care prematurely (i.e., attrition), limiting treatment impact. Attrition is often a consequence of barriers and constraints that limit families' access to obesity management. Family Navigation (FN) can i ...
Article GUID: 36691103
Author(s): Kakon GA, Hadjiyannakis S, Sigal RJ, Doucette S, Goldfield GS, Kenny GP, Prud'homme D, Buchholz A, Lamb M, Alberga AS
Obes Sci Pract. 2019 Oct;5(5):449-458 Authors: Kakon GA, Hadjiyannakis S, Sigal RJ, Doucette S, Goldfield GS, Kenny GP, Prud'homme D, Buchholz A, Lamb M, Alberga AS
Article GUID: 31687169
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