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Near-optimal learning of Banach-valued, high-dimensional functions via deep neural networks

Author(s): Adcock B; Brugiapaglia S; Dexter N; Moraga S;

The past decade has seen increasing interest in applying Deep Learning (DL) to Computational Science and Engineering (CSE). Driven by impressive results in applications such as computer vision, Uncertainty Quantification (UQ), genetics, simulations and image processing, DL is increasingly supplanting classical algorithms, and seems poised to revolutionize ...

Article GUID: 39454372

Generalization limits of Graph Neural Networks in identity effects learning

Author(s): D' Inverno GA; Brugiapaglia S; Ravanelli M;

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as a powerful tool for data-driven learning on various graph domains. They are usually based on a message-passing mechanism and have gained increasing popularity for their intuitive formulation, which is closely linked to the Weisfeiler-Lehman (WL) test for graph isomorphism to which they have been proven equivale ...

Article GUID: 39426036

Invariance, Encodings, and Generalization: Learning Identity Effects With Neural Networks

Author(s): Brugiapaglia S; Liu M; Tupper P;

Often in language and other areas of cognition, whether two components of an object are identical or not determines if it is well formed. We call such constraints identity effects. When developing a system to learn well-formedness from examples, it is easy enough to build in an identity effect. But can identity effects be learned from the data without exp ...

Article GUID: 35798322

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