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Multiple routes to help you roam: A comparison of training interventions to improve cognitive-motor dual-tasking in healthy older adults

Author(s): Downey R; Bherer L; Pothier K; Vrinceanu T; Intzandt B; Berryman N; Lussier M; Vincent T; Karelis AD; Nigam A; Vu TTM; Bosquet L; Li KZH;

Cognitive-motor dual-tasking is a complex activity that predicts falls risk and cognitive impairment in older adults. Cognitive and physical training can both lead to improvements in dual-tasking; however, less is known about what mechanisms underlie these changes. To investigate this, 33 healthy ...

Article GUID: 36408116

A comparison of the effect of physical activity and cognitive training on dual-task performance in older adults

Author(s): Vrinceanu T; Blanchette CA; Intzandt B; Lussier M; Pothier K; Vu TTM; Nigam A; Bosquet L; Karelis AD; Li KZH; Berryman N; Bherer L;

Objectives: Studies suggest that cognitive training and physical activity can improve age-related deficits in dual-task performances. However, both of these interventions have never been compared in the same study. This paper investigates the improvement in dual-task performance in two types of e ...

Article GUID: 34865009

A comparison of physical exercise and cognitive training interventions to improve determinants of functional mobility in healthy older adults

Author(s): Pothier K; Vrinceanu T; Intzandt B; Bosquet L; Karelis AD; Lussier M; Vu TTM; Nigam A; Li KZH; Berryman N; Bherer L;

Objectives: Mobility is a complex but crucial clinical outcome in older adults. Past observational studies have highlighted that cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), energy cost of walking (ECW), and cognitive switching abilities are associated with mobility performance, making these key determinants ...

Article GUID: 33774144

Synergistic effects of cognitive training and physical exercise on dual-task performance in older adults

Author(s): Bherer L; Gagnon C; Langeard A; Lussier M; Desjardins-Crépeau L; Berryman N; Bosquet L; Vu TTM; Fraser S; Li KZH; Kramer AF;

Background: Studies report benefits of physical exercise and cognitive training to enhance cognition in older adults. However, most studies did not compare these interventions to appropriate active controls. Moreover, physical exercise and cognitive training seem to involve different mechanisms o ...

Article GUID: 32803232

Gross Motor Skills Training Leads to Increased Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Healthy Older Adults: A Pilot Study.

Author(s): Grégoire CA, Berryman N, St-Onge F, Vu TTM, Bosquet L, Arbour N, Bherer L

Front Physiol. 2019;10:410 Authors: Grégoire CA, Berryman N, St-Onge F, Vu TTM, Bosquet L, Arbour N, Bherer L

Article GUID: 31031639

Relationships between lower body strength and the energy cost of treadmill walking in a cohort of healthy older adults: a cross-sectional analysis.

Author(s): Berryman N, Bherer L, Nadeau S, Lauzière S, Lehr L, Bobeuf F, Kergoat MJ, Vu TT, Bosquet L

Eur J Appl Physiol. 2017 Jan;117(1):53-59 Authors: Berryman N, Bherer L, Nadeau S, Lauzière S, Lehr L, Bobeuf F, Kergoat MJ, Vu TT, Bosquet L

Article GUID: 27815704

The relationship between exercise intensity, cerebral oxygenation and cognitive performance in young adults.

Author(s): Mekari S, Fraser S, Bosquet L, Bonnéry C, Labelle V, Pouliot P, Lesage F, Bherer L

Eur J Appl Physiol. 2015 Oct;115(10):2189-97 Authors: Mekari S, Fraser S, Bosquet L, Bonnéry C, Labelle V, Pouliot P, Lesage F, Bherer L

Article GUID: 26063061

A comparison of the impact of physical exercise, cognitive training and combined intervention on spontaneous walking speed in older adults.

Author(s): Pothier K, Gagnon C, Fraser SA, Lussier M, Desjardins-Crépeau L, Berryman N, Kergoat MJ, Vu TTM, Li KZH, Bosquet L, Bherer L

Aging Clin Exp Res. 2018 Aug;30(8):921-925 Authors: Pothier K, Gagnon C, Fraser SA, Lussier M, Desjardins-Crépeau L, Berryman N, Kergoat MJ, Vu TTM, Li KZH, Bosquet L, Bherer L

Article GUID: 29235076

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