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Reciprocal effects of single or repeated exposure to methylphenidate or sex in adult male rats

Author(s): Pallikaras V; Mac Cionnaith CE; Rosales VCF; Arvanitogiannis A; Pfaus JG;

Rationale: Exposure to rewards can alter behavioral reactivity to them. For example, stimulants sensitize locomotor activation, whereas sexual experience sensitizes copulatory behaviors. Moreover, rewards can cross-sensitize one another. Although stimulants are known to cross-sensitize locomotor effects, the evidence for cross-sensitization between stimul ...

Article GUID: 36544054

The trade-off between pulse duration and power in optical excitation of midbrain dopamine neurons approximates Bloch's law

Author(s): Pallikaras V; Carter F; Velazquez-Martinez DN; Arvanitogiannis A; Shizgal P;

Optogenetic experiments reveal functional roles of specific neurons. However, functional inferences have been limited by widespread adoption of a restricted set of stimulation parameters. Broader exploration of the parameter space can deepen insight into the mapping between selective neural activity and behavior. In this way, characteristics of the activa ...

Article GUID: 34864162

Early Adolescence is a Critical Period for the Maturation of Inhibitory Behavior.

Author(s): Reynolds LM, Yetnikoff L, Pokinko M, Wodzinski M, Epelbaum JG, Lambert LC, Cossette MP, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C

Cereb Cortex. 2018 Oct 06;: Authors: Reynolds LM, Yetnikoff L, Pokinko M, Wodzinski M, Epelbaum JG, Lambert LC, Cossette MP, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C

Article GUID: 30295713

Differential sensitivity to the acute and sensitizing behavioral effects of methylphenidate as a function of strain in adolescent and young adult rats.

Author(s): Yetnikoff L, Arvanitogiannis A

Behav Brain Funct. 2013 Oct 17;9:38 Authors: Yetnikoff L, Arvanitogiannis A

Article GUID: 24134881

Endocannabinoids promote cocaine-induced impulsivity and its rapid dopaminergic correlates.

Author(s): Hernandez G, Oleson EB, Gentry RN, Abbas Z, Bernstein DL, Arvanitogiannis A, Cheer JF

Biol Psychiatry. 2014 Mar 15;75(6):487-98 Authors: Hernandez G, Oleson EB, Gentry RN, Abbas Z, Bernstein DL, Arvanitogiannis A, Cheer JF

Article GUID: 24138924

Dampened Mesolimbic Dopamine Function and Signaling by Saturated but not Monounsaturated Dietary Lipids.

Author(s): Hryhorczuk C, Florea M, Rodaros D, Poirier I, Daneault C, Des Rosiers C, Arvanitogiannis A, Alquier T, Fulton S

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2016 Feb;41(3):811-21 Authors: Hryhorczuk C, Florea M, Rodaros D, Poirier I, Daneault C, Des Rosiers C, Arvanitogiannis A, Alquier T, Fulton S

Article GUID: 26171719

Non-Contingent Exposure to Amphetamine in Adolescence Recruits miR-218 to Regulate Dcc Expression in the VTA.

Author(s): Cuesta S, Restrepo-Lozano JM, Silvestrin S, Nouel D, Torres-BerrĂ­o A, Reynolds LM, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2018 03;43(4):900-911 Authors: Cuesta S, Restrepo-Lozano JM, Silvestrin S, Nouel D, Torres-Berrío A, Reynolds LM, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C

Article GUID: 29154364

Adolescent Exposure to Methylphenidate Increases Impulsive Choice Later in Life.

Author(s): Abbas Z, Sweet A, Hernandez G, Arvanitogiannis A

Front Behav Neurosci. 2017;11:214 Authors: Abbas Z, Sweet A, Hernandez G, Arvanitogiannis A

Article GUID: 29163086

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